About Our Garland Pediatric Dental Office

Helping Your Child to Smile Brighter Than Ever Before

Here at Garland Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Ben, Dr. Ghods, and our whole team know that every single child deserves specialized, personalized attention when it comes to their developing smile. From infancy to adolescence, children lose teeth, gain teeth, and experience all sorts of changes pertaining to their dental health. Let our team help guide you and your family through each of these stages, ensuring complete, comprehensive, and comfortable care at every corner.

Committed to Child & Parent Education

Garland pediatric dental team member showing a child patient a plush dragon with teeth

A large part of what we do is care for teeth – but something else that’s just as important to us is education. Simply put, the more you and your child know about their teeth and hygiene, the easier it will be to keep all kinds of dental problems at bay. During your child’s visit, we’ll keep you both fully in the loop concerning every aspect of their care. We’ll also happily answer any questions you have, show you exactly what we see, and work together to come up with a custom treatment plan that ensures future wellness.

General Care for Infants Through Teens

Boy looking at a dental scanning machine with a pediatric dental team member

As children grow older, dental care becomes increasingly important; the mouth is in a constant state of flux from the moment the first baby tooth erupts until early adolescence, when the adult teeth are shifting around and settling. To stay on top of this, we offer a wide range of comprehensive dental services for children of all ages, including infancy through their teenage years. A healthy smile can have benefits that last for a whole lifetime, so helping children lay down the foundation for this ongoing wellness is a crucial aspect of what we do!

We Love Treating Patients with Special Needs!

Young girl with Down syndrome smiling and giving two thumbs up

It goes without saying that patients with special needs deserve the same necessary dental services as the rest of us – and in many cases, these patients need certain accommodations to receive this crucial care. Dr. Ben and our team proudly welcome children with special needs; please don’t hesitate to let us know before your visit what we’ll need to keep in mind when you and your child come in.

Same-Day Emergency Treatment Available

Mother holding her toddlers hands while the child receives a dental exam

There are few things as anxiety-inducing as seeing your child endure pain due to a dental emergency. What’s worse is that these situations are entirely unpredictable and have a knack for occurring at inconvenient times. That’s why our Garland pediatric dental office proudly offers same-day emergency treatment; Dr. Ben will ensure that your child’s discomfort is promptly addressed and the issue at hand is gently mended. If your child has sustained a dental injury, please do not hesitate to call our team for assistance!