Ensuring the Best Dental Experience for Your Child

Dental-related anxiety is something that affects the majority of children – and even if you’re acclimating your little one to the dental office early on, there’s still a chance that they’ll feel uneasy about all kinds of dental treatment. Luckily, sedation dentistry can help. Dr. Ben and his team employ a few different sedation dentistry solutions in their Garland pediatric dental office, all of which are capable of ensuring a pleasant and stress-free experience for your child. Don’t hesitate to reach out today for additional details!

Why Choose Garland Pediatric Dentistry for Children’s Sedation Dentistry?

  • Pediatric Dentist with Years of Experience
  • Comfortable Office with Kid-Friendly Amenities
  • Numerous Sedation Options Available

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is one of the gentlest forms of sedation dentistry for kids that we offer here in our office. Your child will be fitted with a soft nasal mask that feeds them a mixture of nitrous and oxygen, and they’re carefully monitored during their whole appointment. The gas itself is colorless, odorless, and capable of installing warm, euphoric feelings that make treatment pleasant for your child. They’ll still be fully conscious and responsive to commands, and they shouldn’t experience any sort of negative or lasting side effects; it’s incredibly safe, convenient, and effective to say the least.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Like nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation can be used to assist children who suffer from dental-related anxiety, but it’s also ideal for those undergoing certain or lengthy procedures. It involves your child taking a small, prescribed pill or a small amount of liquid medicine right before their appointment so that by the time they’re seated for treatment, its effects have kicked in. They’ll remain conscious but totally relaxed and drowsy, and they likely won’t remember much from their visit.

General Anesthesia (“Sleep Dentistry”)

General anesthesia, or “sleep dentistry,” is a safe option that we offer here at our Garland dental office to help children with extensive dental needs or high anxiety. With this approach, your child will be comfortably asleep throughout the procedure – which is the main difference between this and other forms of sedation that we offer. It ultimately ensures a stress-free experience for them and grants both you and them peace of mind. Our team is trained and licensed to perform this form of sedation, and we’ll always closely monitor your child for the whole duration of their appointment. The bottom line is that sleep dentistry makes necessary treatments much easier, especially for younger patients or those with special needs.